Home_TaxAgility Accountants LondonThe number of home-workers across Britain has reached a new milestone: four million and counting.  The number of people who work from home is up 500,000 since 2007, with 62,000 new home-workers being added over the course of the last year alone.

Analysing data freely available from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the Trades Union Congress (TUC) concluded that not only has there been a (greater than) ten percent rise in individuals working from home since 2007, millions more occasionally work from home; with the majority of those making up this second group being employed workers.

Despite the largest proportion of home-workers being freelancers, employees are becoming increasingly likely to work from home both part- and full-time due to the clear benefits and flexibility this provides them.

Greater Opportunities, Clear Benefits

Frances O’Grady, General Secretary of the TUC, said of the report:

Cheaper and quicker internet access has played a big factor in the growth of home-working in recent years. Modern home-working is good for the economy as it increases productivity, helps businesses hold on to talented staff, and allows people with caring responsibilities or a disability to access the labour market.

This last point deserved a special mention, as home-working has become a clear and important way in which disabled people can access the labour market, according to the TUC, with approximately 650,000 disabled individuals currently working from home across the UK.

Other clear benefits of working from home, whether you are (or you’re due to be) a freelancer, or you’ve been given this option by your employer, are:

  • You can save a significant amount of time, and money, each weekday by cutting out your daily commute,
  • If you have school-age children you can complete the school run (both trips!) with ease, scheduling it into your day alongside your other, work-related responsibilities,
  • You have greater control and flexibility over when you work; you can choose your hours (in most, not all, cases) so long as you complete your work on time,
  • You can care for a young child, an elderly relative, or a disabled family member from the comfort of your home, while still being able to work, and thus, receive a living wage.

If you’ve been considering taking a leap into self-employment, but are wary of how you’d cope on the financial side; dealing with taxes, understanding new and developing legislation such as IR35, and getting all your paperwork in order when it’s requested of you, fear not.

An accountant, such as the professionals here at TaxAgility, can help you deal with the complicated, less-interesting side of being self-employed, so you can get on with what you do best and join four million other home-workers across Britain who are taking advantage of the greater opportunities and benefits working from home can bring.

Planning to Work From Home?

To speak with a friendly, experienced accountant to discuss your potential move into self-employment and working from home, contact us today on 020 8780 2349 or get in touch with us via our contact page to arrange a complimentary, no obligation meeting.

This blog is a general summary. It should not replace professional advice tailored to your specific circumstance.