old hotel bellIf you’re an owner or manager of a business operating in the hospitality industry (you operate a hotel or restaurant), you’ve probably heard all of this before.

Running a hotel or restaurant is no easy task. The trials and tribulations of running a successful hospitality business are frequent and numerous, and that’s before you even consider the notion of trying to forge a profit.

Given this point, and the always-on environment of working in the hotel or restaurant industry,   it’s clear to see that there are numerous benefits to working with an accountant specialising in the accounts of hoteliers and restaurateurs. Just a small number of these benefits are as follows:

We help define (and work with) your financial goals

Often the task of simply running your hotel or restaurant is so time-consuming that it’s hard to think of where the time to sit down and define your financial goals would come from.

Despite this, we think it’s essential for all of our hospitality clients to define their financial goals with us before we start working with them, so we can create a clear picture of your wants and needs, and we can therefore serve you better going forward. We can help you find areas in which you can save money, increase profit, and even help you to leverage your assets.

We help you focus on what you do best

You have a million and one things to do. For this reason, when you work with one of our specialist hospitality accountants here at TaxAgility we help you focus on what you do best: running your hotel or restaurant.

Because we’re specialists in this industry you don’t need to spent your time teaching us the small intricacies of a hotel or restaurant’s accounts. We’ve been there, done that, with a large number of current and former hospitality clients, therefore all you need to do is provide us with the accounts we ask for, and we can immediately get to work.

We’re at your beck and call

Most accounting firms try to maximise their profits by working with as many clients as possible. The problem with this approach is they quickly lose the personal touch, losing touch with their clients unless it’s time for you to file your annual tax return or you make the effort to go to visit them personally.

Here at TaxAgility, all of our hospitality clients are at our beck and call. If you have a question about your accounts, or even just a new piece of government legislation, get in touch and we’ll answer your question right away. Our close relationship with our clients not only helps you get your questions answered faster – it helps us to better understand you and your business.

Experienced Accountants for Hospitality Professionals

To speak with a professional accountant to discuss our unique accountancy packages for hospitality professionals, contact us today on 020 8780 2349 or get in touch with us via our contact page to arrange a complimentary, no obligation meeting.