Personal Tax Services and Advice

Personalised tax advice that is as unique as you areYou work hard for your money, so we work hard to keep it in your pocket You want to do the right thing and pay the right amount of tax. At the same time, you want to protect your hard-earned money and build a future for yourselves. You want honest, professional tax advice from trusted chartered accountants who are keen to protect your interests.…

Tax planning for families

Family tax planning is a smart way to utilise all of the exemptions and allowances legally afforded to you. In the UK, every individual has a personal tax-free allowance and is taxed independently. This applies to working parents, retired grandparents and also children. Because of this tax structure, it is possible to use legitimate means to reduce the joint size of your family’s tax bill.…

Everything you need to know about corporate tax

While corporate tax may seem overwhelming, particularly if it’s new to you, it really pays to know how it works and what you can do to lower your tax bill legitimately. Corporation tax is something that most businesses and organisations need to pay; and the most prevalent of which are limited companies. However, it also applies to foreign companies with UK branches, as well as co-operatives,…

IT Contractor Tax: What do I have to pay?

As an IT contractor, two common ways to provide your IT services to clients are either through a limited company or an umbrella company – and each mode of operation will determine your tax obligations. The UK business landscape is mostly made up of SMEs ranging from micro (0-9 employees), small (10-49 employees) to medium-sized (50-249 employees) companies. The nature of SMEs makes getting…

Tax planning tips for self-employed contractors

Having worked with self-employed contractors across London for many years, we understand that you’ve got a lot on your hands juggling your business operations and financial responsibilities. When it comes to tax planning and reducing your tax obligation legitimately, your busy schedule often means that this is an afterthought and as such can fall by the wayside, leaving you in a difficult…

Tax Planning and your Personal Allowance

Let’s be clear – tax planning doesn’t automatically mean tax avoidance. Personal tax planning is the process where your chartered accountant uses their skill and experience, along with legal, government-approved methods to reduce your tax bill. There are no legal consequences for using proper tax planning. Tax avoidance, on the other hand, involves ‘bending the rules of the tax system to gain a…

Making Tax Digital for landlords: What you need to know as a landlord

If you are a landlord, you will understand that you have certain responsibilities for which you are accountable under the law. These include fire, health and safety regulations; certifications for energy performance, gas and electrical equipment, as well as specific duties with respect to your tenant(s). Further to this, as a landlord, you are obligated to manage your finances and accounts for…

Property Tax

Tax is a complicated subject and property tax is no exception. If you own a property or planning to own one, tax planning becomes important because buying, selling or renting out your property is likely to expose you to some form of property tax. In this article, our specialist tax accountants explain: Stamp Duty Land Tax Capital Gain Tax Tax on rental income Stamp Duty Land Tax When you…

Tax saving tips to maximise your start-up’s potential

When you’re first starting out in business, it’s essential that you focus as much of your energy as possible on maximising your start-up’s potential. Your time is valuable, and there are better places to spend it than on time-consuming tax issues. This is why hiring a specialist tax accountant from Tax Agility is so important – we can ensure you’re saving as much money and time as possible, and…

Personal tax allowance: Exceptions

Though the personal tax allowance can give you savings on your income up to £11,850, there are many other ways of saving more money due to the numerous special circumstances and exceptions laid out by HMRC. Allow the tax experts at Tax Agility to guide you through the most important ones. Tax on savings interest Most people can earn some interest from their savings without paying tax. The…