The Benefits of Working with an Accountant Specialising in Property Owners

property accountantsProperty owners (both residential and commercial) and estate agents know that there’s an enormous number of different financial areas to consider when buying, selling, or renting out property.

From having to contact HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) to let them know you’ll be receiving rental income, to knowing what business rates you or your tenants will have to pay when moving into a new commercial property, there’s a lot to keep track of in order to ensure you stay on the right side of the law.

For this reason, there are a lot of benefits to working with an accountant specialising in the accounts of both residential property owners (landlords) and commercial property owners. Just a small number of these benefits are as follows:

We know our stuff

Here at TaxAgility, we have been working with property owners for YEARS/DECADES. For this reason, we know exactly what taxes you need to pay if you just bought a commercial property, or indeed we know exactly how you need to report your rental earnings to HMRC if you have started out renting residential properties for the first time.

Other accountancy firms that don’t specialise in this area will take up your valuable time by having to look these things up, and potentially even miss them altogether, which could be very costly to you.

We keep an eye on tax changes that may affect you

Equally important to knowing our stuff is our willingness to keep an eye on all and every change to the tax codes and legislation that may affect how much you, as a property-owning accountancy client of ours, is liable to pay.

Though it’s rare for a large, overarching tax change to be enforced under the radar, smaller changes can often come up that catch out property owners who are tasked with dealing with their own accounts, or indeed these changes can even catch out accountants who are not well versed in the complexities of property ownership taxes.

We provide a full-service accountancy experience

Here at TaxAgility, we provide a full-service accountancy experience to all of our property owner (both residential and commercial) and estate agent clients.

We understand the problematic tax implications of owning, buying, or renting property, and we take it upon ourselves to ensure you only pay the tax liabilities owed to you, nothing more, while keeping your books up to date and in line with the law. No property owner can operate without having their books in order - we make sure you’re always operating both legally and efficiently.

Experienced Accountants for Property Owners

To speak with a professional accountant to discuss our unique accountancy packages for residential (landlords) and commercial property owners, contact us today on 020 8780 2349 or get in touch with us via our contact page to arrange a complimentary, no obligation meeting.

The Benefits of Working with an Accountant Specialising in Hospitality

old hotel bellIf you’re an owner or manager of a business operating in the hospitality industry (you operate a hotel or restaurant), you’ve probably heard all of this before.

Running a hotel or restaurant is no easy task. The trials and tribulations of running a successful hospitality business are frequent and numerous, and that’s before you even consider the notion of trying to forge a profit.

Given this point, and the always-on environment of working in the hotel or restaurant industry,   it’s clear to see that there are numerous benefits to working with an accountant specialising in the accounts of hoteliers and restaurateurs. Just a small number of these benefits are as follows:

We help define (and work with) your financial goals

Often the task of simply running your hotel or restaurant is so time-consuming that it’s hard to think of where the time to sit down and define your financial goals would come from.

Despite this, we think it’s essential for all of our hospitality clients to define their financial goals with us before we start working with them, so we can create a clear picture of your wants and needs, and we can therefore serve you better going forward. We can help you find areas in which you can save money, increase profit, and even help you to leverage your assets.

We help you focus on what you do best

You have a million and one things to do. For this reason, when you work with one of our specialist hospitality accountants here at TaxAgility we help you focus on what you do best: running your hotel or restaurant.

Because we’re specialists in this industry you don’t need to spent your time teaching us the small intricacies of a hotel or restaurant’s accounts. We’ve been there, done that, with a large number of current and former hospitality clients, therefore all you need to do is provide us with the accounts we ask for, and we can immediately get to work.

We’re at your beck and call

Most accounting firms try to maximise their profits by working with as many clients as possible. The problem with this approach is they quickly lose the personal touch, losing touch with their clients unless it’s time for you to file your annual tax return or you make the effort to go to visit them personally.

Here at TaxAgility, all of our hospitality clients are at our beck and call. If you have a question about your accounts, or even just a new piece of government legislation, get in touch and we’ll answer your question right away. Our close relationship with our clients not only helps you get your questions answered faster - it helps us to better understand you and your business.

Experienced Accountants for Hospitality Professionals

To speak with a professional accountant to discuss our unique accountancy packages for hospitality professionals, contact us today on 020 8780 2349 or get in touch with us via our contact page to arrange a complimentary, no obligation meeting.

The Benefits of Working with an Accountant Specialising in Doctors and Healthcare

Doctor and HealthcareWould you call up a surgeon when your child gets a nasty cold? Or indeed, would you expect your child’s paediatrician to be able to operate on you at the drop of a hat?

The answer to both of those questions (we hope!) is a solid no, which is why here at TaxAgility we think it’s so important that as a doctor or healthcare professional your accounts are being taken care of by a professional accountancy firm that has a long history of working with other doctors and individuals working within the healthcare industry.

There are a huge number of benefits to working with an accountant specialising in the accounts of doctors and other healthcare professionals. Just a small number of these benefits are as follows:

We have a clearer understanding of your unique needs

Here at Tax Ability we have worked with (and in many cases, are currently working with) a wide range of individuals working in the healthcare sector, including audiologists, dermatologists, family practitioners, gynaecologists, orthopedists, surgeons, and more.

Working closely with other healthcare professionals has helped us to develop a much clearer understanding of your unique needs than we ever could have gained if we hadn’t chosen to specialise in this area, whether in terms of the comprehensive understanding we now have of the preferred accounting practices in your industry, or the insight we have gained regarding how best utilise these practices.

We keep an eye on legislation changes that are specific to you

As professional tax accountants it’s our job to keep our fingers to the pulse (so to speak) with regard to any new legislation that comes out that may affect our clients. When you work with an accountant with a large number of clients already in the healthcare sector, you know we’re going out of our way to keep you updated about any legislative changes that may impact you specifically.

If new legislation comes into play that will help (or hinder) your tax saving plans, you’ll be the first to hear about it, alongside a list of our suggestions on how to move forward.

We take a long-term approach to working alongside you

Here at TaxAgility we take a long-term approach to working alongside all of our clients. Whether you’re working through an agency, an umbrella company, or your own limited company, we want you to be a long-term client of ours, and we do this by offering you exceptional service at every turn.

Though we love working alongside doctors and other healthcare professionals, we want to take up as little of your time every month as we can. We keep your financial accounts up-to-date and accurate so to ensure you can focus on your job, while we focus on ours.

Experienced Accountants for Doctors and Healthcare Professionals

To speak with a professional accountant to discuss our unique accountancy packages for doctors and other healthcare professionals, contact us today on 020 8780 2349 or get in touch with us via our contact page to arrange a complimentary, no obligation meeting.

The Benefits of Working with an Accountant Specialising in Solicitors

Solicitor benefitsThere’s a common, misguided believe among people who are otherwise unaware that solicitors and lawyers should have a hand in all forms of money management, both when it comes to the finances of their clients and their own personal wealth and tax allowances.

This is simply not the case. Though it’s indeed true that many solicitors and lawyers could see to their own accounts should they so wish, it’s generally agreed that this is not a good use of your precious (and let’s be honest, expensive) time.

There are a wide-ranging number of benefits to working with an accountant specialising in the accounts of solicitors and lawyers. Just a small number of these benefits are as follows:

We can help you choose an appropriate business structure

If you’ve not yet done so, our professional accountants here at TaxAgility can help you choose an appropriate business structure if you’re currently an independent solicitors or law firm.

From working with many solicitors and law firms over the years we have identified which business structures are more appropriate for which types of solicitors and law firms (depending on your size, ambitions, and more). This can include alternative business structures, if operating your business in an alternative manner will allow you to stand out from your competition.

We will become your full-service accountancy firm

You have a lot on your plate. We mean, you really have a lot on your plate (more than our resident accountants during a typical Christmas dinner). For this reason, we’ve found that our solicitor and lawyer clients appreciate our full-service approach to working for you.

Here at TaxAgility, we provide a full suite of accounting, bookkeeping, and tax services to solicitors and lawyers in order to help take the guesswork out of your accounts. We know you work in a stress-filled environment; our job is to remove the stress of your accounts out of the equation.

We’re here to help you grow, while avoiding growing pains

Here at TaxAgility, we recognise that the legal sector is changing very quickly, which can be tricky at a time when law firms are trying to become more innovative with their pricing.

Growing your solicitors or legal practice comes with a lot of baggage. We’re here to help. We’ve worked alongside (and continue to work alongside) numerous solicitors as they attempt to grow their business over time, and from that we’ve learned how complex such an operation can be. Here at TaxAgility we talk all of our solicitor and law firm clients through the most effective growth strategies for them, keeping in mind tax reduction and ease-of-growth, in order to help grow their business the right way.

Experienced Accountants for Solicitors

To speak with a professional accountant to discuss our unique accountancy packages for solicitors and lawyers, contact us today on 020 8780 2349 or get in touch with us via our contact page to arrange a complimentary, no obligation meeting.