selling your business in 2022

Thinking about selling your business? Here’s how we can help

There comes a time with any business, large or small, when the owners decide they want to move on and sell their business. There can be many reasons for this, often it’s because they want to retire or maybe because they have just had enough and want to reap the benefits by selling on the business. There’s a well worn path to follow when selling a business, a process Tax Agility has been part of with businesses in the Richmond, Putney and surrounding London areas. However, as the saying goes “the devil is in the detail”. Key aspects of any business sale need to be carefully prepared so as to provide a fair representation of the business’s health and outlook that can be presented to prospective buyers.

This article takes a look at some of the specific areas that Tax Agility pays close attention to when supporting the sale and how we can help businesses create a package of information ready for presentation to a prospective buyer. We can even assist with the presentation of the material in a professional manner too.

What’s my business actually worth?

selling your business in 2022Quite understandably, a business owner’s first thought and maybe that which prompted thoughts of selling in the first place, comes down to their perceived value of the business. Emotions can run a little high and lead to over optimistic expectations, especially with smaller businesses. This is why it is important to have professionals on hand who can review your business’s operating position and provide a fair view on market value.

The process of valuing a business is multifaceted. There are simple ‘rule-of-thumb’ guides that can help you. Often though, these are only suited to companies that have an established track record. One in particular is P/E (price/earnings ratio), or multiples of profit or EBITDA to arrive at an enterprise value. The multiple used depends on the market conditions and desirability of the sector the business is in. The other simple way to value a business is simply to assess its ‘assets minus liabilities’.

However, these are just snapshots of the business and don’t take into consideration a host of other factors, such as the business’s prospects going forward, or what the current owners plan to leave in the business, such as cash and other assets. Plus, of course, sellers have a number of ways in which they can make a business look more attractive than it actually is. An example here would be the timing of the sale where seasonal cash flow variations in working capital can influence the value of the business on first glance.

Areas where Tax Agility can assist

To present as fair a view as possible of the business’s financial operating position, it’s important to establish some baselines - or ‘normalisations’. These are essentially financial views that try and iron out variations that could cause significant shifts in aspects such as working capital.

In assisting the business sale process, we focus on:

  • Acting for vendors and purchasers of businesses.
  • Reviewing your business records to ensure they are in the best possible shape for due diligence by the buyer.
  • Assistance with the drafting of normalised earnings schedules to determine your true underlying earnings on which to base the valuation.
  • Assistance with the drafting of net debt schedules, which are required in cash free, debt free valuations of businesses.
  • Assistance with the drafting of normalised working capital. This is necessary to ensure the valuation is accurate and that there is sufficient cash headroom in the business.
  • Management accounts while the business is being sold. Monthly management accounts may be required to give potential suitors crystal clear visibility, affording them the confidence in presenting their bids.
  • Although we are not solicitors we will review the legal mechanisms in sale and purchase agreements and the accounting representations and warranties, which should be reviewed by a suitably skilled accountant.
  • We explain to vendors the different ways a company can be sold and the underlying tax implications of each. This includes a sale of the shares of the company the vendor owns, or as a sale of the assets and liabilities of the company, leaving the cash shell of the company in the vendor possession.

Will your business records stand up to due diligence?

Any potential buyer is going to want a full view of your company and as such, if they are really serious about buying (or investing) in your firm, they will want to conduct a due diligence audit as part of the sale closure process. This can be an extensive process, depending on the size and scale of your business. Nevertheless, undertaking one should be seen as a positive sign, but you must have prepared for this.

What will the due diligence process involve?

The simple answer is, everything, literally - from the business itself, its commercial and legal contracts, its assets and its people.

The type of company involved will of course dictate where the process may spend more time. For example, if you are a technology development company, focus may lie with ongoing development contracts, overseas facilities or contracts, ownership rights to key technology IP, technical competence in the company in the form of key personnel, etc. Generally though, the typical areas that detailed information will be requested on are:

  • Operations - typically everything from your products and services, manufacturing processes, product warranties, ongoing contracts with suppliers and other third parties, pricing, client contracts, profit margins and the company’s infrastructure, such as IT, software, etc.
  • Financials - cash flow statements, P&L, balance sheet, shareholdings, share valuations, expenses, debt, equity, depreciation and financial projections.
  • Asset base - from property, fixed and variable, equipment and Intellectual Property.
  • Compliance - financial returns, e.g. tax and VAT, insurances, any licences, any environmental issues.
  • Human Resources - company structure, external consultants / employees, executive and board bios, employee salaries, employee handbook, benefits, pension plans / policies, disputes, etc.
  • Sales and marketing - current programs and performance, budgets, etc.

This list is only meant to provide a perspective on what types of information will likely be requested. Based on your business type, Tax Agility will take a thorough look at the information that will likely be requested. We will work with you to ensure information pertaining to all the areas of interest are available and presentable.

Drafting of normalised earnings schedules

During a financial year there can be many financial events that impact a company’s apparent earnings. While there may be regular income from client contracts and investments, there can also be non-recurring exceptional income events, such as an asset disposal. On the flip side, there can be one-off non-recurring expenses such as a directors bonus payment, or the settlement of a legal claim. Furthermore, the nature of the business may be seasonal, meaning at any given time, the earnings position of the company may appear artificially high or low because most orders come through during a particular time of year or that suppliers may not have been paid. This variability makes it hard for potential purchasers to get a real feel for the business’s earnings over a year.

Normalisation, therefore, seeks to remove income or expenses that are exceptional or unusual, in other words, events that the new owners may not reasonably expect to pay. The process of doing this helps smooth out the effects of those events, presenting a normalised trend to purchases giving greater accuracy towards projecting future earnings and therefore the potential enterprise value of the company

TaxAgility will work through your operations and accounts to identify such events and produce a normalised earnings schedule (adjusted)  showing earnings over the current year and usually two preceding years.

Drafting of net debt schedules

The amount of debt a company carries affects cash flow, as interest expense flows into a company’s income statement. The debt balance appears on the balance sheet and the repayments the business makes on the principal sums owed flows through the cash flow statement. It’s therefore essential to make sure the debt a company carries and its impact on the company’s operations is clear to any prospective purchaser. This is where a debt schedule is key.

Many businesses are sold on a cash free, debt free basis, meaning the enterprise value of the business is calculated by computing enterprise value and deducted net debt.

Enterprise value is computed by multiplying sales or earnings or EBITDA by a suitable multiple (sales multiple, earrings multiple or an EBITDA multiple).

Adding the net cash in the business or deducting the net debt, from the enterprise value, to reach a net consideration for the share capital of the company.

Types of debt that is shown in the debt schedule include:

  • Loans
  • Leases
  • Bonds
  • Debentures

Tax Agility will assist in creating a Debt Schedule. This seeks to provide a realistic view of a company’s debt position, It shows debt based on its maturity and helps a prospective purchaser construct their own cash flow forecast and to structure the sale in the most sensible way.

Drafting of normalised working capital

Working capital, or rather ‘net working capital’, is the money relating to stock, accounts receivable and accounts payable left in your business, excluding Net Debt items.

Cash flow shows the ‘ebbs and tides’ of money coming in and going out relating to earnings, working capital movements, investments and disposals, shareholders withdrawals and injections and movements in net debt, over a specific period.

If your business income suffers a setback, such as losing a major client or through a wider economic downturn, it’s the cash or cash-like assets that you’ll need to turn to in order to ride out the problems. This is your working capital.

Normalising your net working capital takes into account the typical day-to-day fluctuations in levels of working capital the business experiences so as to provide a fair view. A business may experience seasonal swings in working capital too, this is also factored in. A normalised view can then be used when valuing the business. If this isn’t done, then irregularities can occur, such as the temptation by a seller to over value working capital by delaying certain payments. This would artificially increase cash equity value.

Tax Agility will walk through your working capital requirements and trends to produce a fair view taking into consideration all of the factors (and more) discussed above.

Management accounts while the business is being sold

The sale of a business can take some time depending on the size and scale of the business concerned. Meanwhile, normal business activities continue. It’s essential during this period to maintain a tight management view on the business’s operations, so as not to impact the due diligence audit taking place unduly, or as a tools to inform them of any important changes taking place, such as supplier or client changes, unforeseen cash or capital expenditure, perhaps due to unscheduled maintenance needs.

Management reports are a key part of any business’s reporting mechanism. They show a period by period (weekly, monthly, etc) snap-shot of changes in the business financial status. A typical management report can include:

  • Executive summary
  • Profit & Loss
  • Budget variance
  • Balance sheet
  • Aged receivables
  • Aged payables
  • Cash summary

You can read more about the importance of management accounts and reporting in our article here:
How can management accounts be used effectively?

Check out our other article on exiting a business here.


The process of selling a business is a multifaceted operation, one that can distract a business from its normal day to day activities. It’s essential to be prepared well before any potential suitors begin their due diligence process. In this way, you will minimise the impact on the business and make the due diligence process proceed faster and more efficiently. Resolving any deficiencies can increase the value you realise for your business by unlocking its true underlying value.

At Tax Agility our goal is exactly this - to prepare your business for sale and assist in making the due diligence process as painless as possible. Ultimately, we want to help you extract the maximum possible value out of the sale of your business as effortlessly as is realistically achievable.

Call Tax Agility’s business sale specialists today on 020 8108 0090 and discuss how we can help in the sale of your business.

capital expenditure super deductions 2022

Super deductions - how to maximise your business’s tax efficiency

Most business owners understand that it is important to ‘capitalise’ certain company assets. These ‘fixed assets’ can be used to reduce your corporation tax bill. However in April 2021, the Government increased the usual 100% deduction to 130% until April 2023. Read on to find out how you could benefit from this increase.

What is a super deduction?

capital expenditure super deductions 2022Over the years, successive governments try to find ways to incentivise industry or stimulate areas of business. This is especially true during troubled times, such as the financial crisis of 2008 and more recently the problems brought on by the Covid pandemic.

Reducing broad ranging tax rates, such as reducing corporation tax, VAT, capital gains, etc, introduce problems of their own, most often political, as they can appear to favour selective groups in society, so governments look for more niche methods to achieve their aims. The ‘super deduction’ is one of them, as this applies purely to businesses that qualify for corporation tax. It’s also limited in its range, as it can only be applied to new plant and machinery that ordinarily qualify for the 18% main pool rate of writing down allowances.

How does this affect the Annual Investment Allowance?

Essentially, it compliments it. Since January 1 2019, companies have been able to annually invest up £1 million in qualifying assets, these already benefit from 100% relief. This is known as the ‘Annual Investment Allowance’. Prior to 2019, the AIA was set at £200,000.

The £1 million limit has been extended to March 31 2023.  The Introduction of an extra 30% deduction is, therefore,  a most attractive additional incentive for owners to invest in their businesses - or even start new ones.

What is the SR Allowance that was also announced?

Along with the Super Deduction, the Government also introduced the SR Allowance.

Not all purchases can qualify for the super deduction, such as those that qualify for the 6% write down allowance rate - typically long life assets such as those associated with buildings and property. To incentivise this industry, the Government has introduced a ‘special rate for first year allowance’ - the SR allowance. This affords new plant or machinery in this bracket with a 50% first year allowance.

What businesses qualify for Super Deduction?

This benefit is only available to those entities who qualify for corporation tax. In other words, it is not applicable to those in business as individuals, sole traders, or partnerships.

What purchases qualify for the Super Deduction?

There are a wide range of asset types that can take advantage of the SD beyond the most obvious forms of fixed assets, such as computers, IT systems, manufacturing equipment and the like. In short, most purchases that contribute to the operation and functioning of your business should be treated as an asset, rather than an expense, and capitalised accordingly.

However, there are other less obvious expenditures that can close be capitalised and gain SD relief. The most common of these include:

Development costs: Under FRS 102 costs associated with bringing a system into working condition, such as those attributed to the development, can be classified as tangible fixed assets. For example, developing a new website or piece of software, could be treated as such and gain the SD allowance benefit.

Borrowing costs: When developing a new product or building a new manufacturing plant or product line, a business may be required to finance the operation. The costs of borrowing may be capitalised.

Hire purchase: Assets on hire purchase or similar purchase contracts where possession rather than ownership passes to the business can also benefit from super deduction, but only at the point where the asset began use.

The most obvious test of applying the SD benefit is that the purchased plant or machinery needs to be new and not second hand. Also, you cannot decide to capitalise something bough in prior accounting periods just to take advantage of the SD.

What happens if I don’t make a profit, can I still apply the Super Deduction?

carry over super deduction allowanceYes. Not all businesses make a profit each year. Indeed, some businesses may choose to capitalise equipment porches in a  financial year specifically to reduce their tax bill to zero - typically smaller businesses. If you make a loss in a year where capital purchases were made, you may carry any unused deductions forward to use as losses.

Selling an asset that qualified for Super Deduction

It may enter the minds of some that as the government is giving away an extra 30% in the form of a tax deduction, which is true, if they quickly sold the purchase, they may benefit further. Also, there are legitimate reasons why a firm may have to sell assets that benefited from the SD. So what happens and how is this accounted for?

Naturally, the Government is going to want their ‘pound of flesh’ in this instance. You will need to carefully track any asset that benefited from the SD, so when it comes to selling the correct treatment can be applied.

The first thing to note is that if the disposal of an SD qualifying asset is before April 1 2023, its disposal value is 1.3 times the actual disposal value. This income should then be treated as taxable profits and not allocated to ‘pools’.

Read more about the government's super deduction scheme here.

Is this a good time to start a business?

This may indeed be a good time to start a new business if that business is going to need significant investment in new capital equipment. Furthermore, if your established business is an entity in the form of a sole-proprietorship or partnership and you are looking to grow, this may be a good time to incorporate.

Talk to Tax Agility about how your business can take advantage of the super deduction scheme.

Tax Agility are chartered tax accountants operating in the Richmond, Putney and Wimbledon area. We specialise in assisting small and medium sized businesses navigate the complexities of company taxation. Our goal is to ensure your business is as tax efficient as possible and to effectively exploit incentives such as the super deduction scheme.

Why not call us today on 020 8108 0090and discuss how we can help take your business to the next level of tax efficiency.

declaring your overseas income

What are the differences for tax purposes between domiciled and non-domiciled status?

A few months ago we published a case study concerning HMRC enquiring about foreign income. This can happen if you are a foreign national and are now living and working in the UK. An area we didn’t touch on was associated with how HMRC views your domiciliary status. The recent news about Rishi Sunak’s wife has highlighted this is somewhat complex and often misunderstood area of tax law. In this short post we’d like to help explain what it means to be ‘domiciled’ or ‘non-domiciled’ where tax in the UK is concerned.

What does ‘domicile’ mean?

declaring your overseas incomeIn a nutshell, ‘domicile’ refers to that country a person treats as their main or permanent home. Also, it concerns where they actually live and maintain a ‘substantial’ connection with.

If you read our article on “Living Overseas - Do I Need Top Pay Tax if I Leave The UK?”, then you’ll be familiar with the tests that HMRC apply to decide how to treat your current tax residency status. As part of the Automatic UK Test, HMRC looks at your sufficient ties to the UK and whether they point to whether or not you’ve actually left the UK or still have reasons to come back, perhaps regularly. These tests help HMRC determine if you are legitimately living overseas for tax purposes or if perhaps you’re trying to avoid paying UK taxes by staying out of the country for 183 days a year.

Domicile of origin and domicile of choice.

Where UK tax law is concerned, there are three types of domicile - domicile of origin, domicile of choice and domicile of dependence. In the UK, you acquire domicile or origin at birth through your father, although this doesn’t mean the country the person was born in, but most often does. So, if your father is from India, India is your domicile, unless you choose otherwise.

Domicile is different to residency. In UK common law, every individual has one domicile, you can’t have two or have no domicile.

Your domicile of origin cannot be lost easily. Simply by moving overseas for an extended period, becoming a tax resident here or elsewhere, does not automatically remove for domicile status.

However, domicile of choice is a little harder to consider. Take for instance, a UK national. If they move abroad ‘permanently’ to settle in another country. Permanent means ‘indefinitely as it is really up to the person concerned, as is domicile of choice. It comes down to intention’s: if the new country will be their permanent residence, will they have family interests there, a business or other social interests. Do they own a property in that country? And, what about the existence of a Will and where that was created.

It’s quite a tricky area, as there are many variables and many ways to interpret somebody’s intentions. Hence, arguments with HMRC can arise and as always, you’ll need to prove your ‘innocence’ in the matter.

Domicile of dependence is for children under the age of 16 and their domicile will follow that of the person on whom they are legally dependent. However, it must be noted that if the domicile of the parent or legal guardian changes, the child will automatically acquire the same domicile and the child’s domicile of origin will be displaced.

[Read more about what happens if HMRC make enquires about you overseas income]

Important tax issues to consider

It is quite understandable why somebody would not wish to give up their domiciliary, as there may be intentions to return home, the UK being transitory, even though it may appear as somebody’s permanent home.

As tax specialists based in the London area, we are conveniently located to assist foreign nationals, non-domiciled in the London and the surrounding counties, with their unique tax issues and concerns. We've assisted many individuals navigate the complexity of foreign income taxation, whether you are domiciled in the UK or are considered non-domiciled.

Take for instance somebody from India who has been living and working in the UK for many years. Their family may still predominantly be in India. They may’ve family business interests there too, or even own property there. In short, there may still be clear intent to return one day.

This means that although a foreign national living and working in the UK maybe a ‘tax resident’ and pay taxes on the income generated through their work here, their ‘non-domicile’ status will mean that their worldwide income does not have to be reported in the UK, as that will no doubt be payable to the tax authorities in the domiciled country. This highlights two options for non-domicile tax residents - being taxed on an arising or remittance basis

Taxed on an ‘arising’ or ‘remittance’ basis

If you are ordinarily considered as UK domiciled and a tax resident, then you are charged on an arising basis. This means that you pay tax on your worldwide income and you’re allowed to use your personal tax allowances and any annual exemptions to offset that income.

However, things are little different and often highly beneficial if you are considered ‘non-domiciled’ while a tax resident in the UK. In this case, you can choose to be taxed on a remittance basis, if that treatment is more favourable than the arising basis. By choosing the remittance basis, you’ll only be taxed on UK sourced income, not worldwide income, unless you decide to ‘remit’ that income. For instance, if you’re a Singapore domiciled national living and working in the UK as a tax resident and a retirement or an assurance policy matures yielding a gain. If you leave the gain in Singapore, no tax is due. If you bring that money into the UK - remit it, then tax falls due.

It’s important to note though that if you choose the remittance basis, you’ll lose your tax allowances and exemptions.

Other factors to consider when using the remittance basis

Do I need to claim to use the remittance basis?

Not necessarily. If your ‘unremitted’ foreign income and gains for the tax year are less than £2000, the remittance basis applies automatically, so you don’t need to claim. Also, it should be noted that at this level, you won’t lose your personal allowance or capital gains annual exemption either. This also allies, even if you are considered ‘domiciled’ for UK tax purposes.

If I choose to remit my income, how will it be taxed?

If you decide to bring some of the income you have earned overseas into the UK, that income will be taxed at the standard (non-savings) tax rates - 20% for basic rate earners, 40% for higher rate payers and 45% for the top tier incomes over £150,000.

Note though that dividend income, where you’d normally see these taxed at 8.75%, 33.75% and 39.35%, will be taxed as ordinary income - which would not be the case if you’d decided to opt for the ‘arising’ basis as opposed to ‘remittance’ basis.

How does the remittance basis work if I am a long term resident?

As the saying goes - “there’s no such thing as a free lunch”. At some point, HMRC will see your long term residency in the UK as a way of reducing your tax exposure and will look to make you pay for that entitlement. So, two bands of charges apply:

Resident for 7 out of the previous 9 tax years. For the privilege of maintaining your remittance basis, you’ll need to pay £30,000 per year.

Resident for 12 out of the previous 14 tax years. For the privilege of maintaining your remittance basis, you’ll need to pay £60,000 per year.

This is HMRC’s way of encouraging people to convert to the ‘arising' basis.

When am I automatically considered domiciled in the UK?

If you have been resident in the UK for 15 out of the previous 20 years, you are deemed as domiciled for tax purposes.

Domiciliary status for tax purposes is a complicated area, seek help

We have presented in rather simple terms the most commonly encountered tax aspects of being domiciled or non-domiciled in the UK. This subject is very complicated as the range of income sources can be extensive as can your ties to the UK if you are non-domiciled. Inheritance tax is another area affected by domiciled status that we haven’t covered here. Rules covering IHT and domiciled status changed in 2017.

If you are encountering issues with taxation as applied to domicile status, it’s likely that you require specialist tax assistance. We're based in London and our offices are conveniently located in Richmond-Upon-Thames, Putney and Cavendish Square. Our tax advisers are on-hand to help you navigate these difficult waters and arrive at an outcome best suited to your personal circumstances. Call 020 8108 0090 or use connect using the form here.

Do I pay UK tax if I move overseas

Living Overseas - Do I need to pay tax if I leave the UK?

On the face of it, this seems like a simple question and is indeed one many people ask. For some it’s because they are genuinely emigrating to another country, for others, they plan on being away for extended periods of time, perhaps because they are ‘snow birds’, choosing to winter in warmer climes. And then, there are others that look to understand how they can reduce their tax burden because they move around, such as ‘digital nomads’. The reality is though, it’s not that simple.

Do I pay UK tax if I move overseasA common question from UK tax payers spending time overseas in different countries, sometimes for relatively short periods is: “Do I still need to pay tax and if so, to whom?” The answer is “most likely and to somebody”. It all depends on where you are, where you’re considered a tax resident and how much time you have spent there. A common mistake is in interpreting what is known as the 183 day rule. We’ll explore that and other points to consider in this article.

Necessity is the mother of invention

Over the past few years, much about everyday life has changed, especially where work and travel is concerned. Some people have been forced out of necessity to make changes, others driven more by lifestyle changes. Taxation is on the rise in the UK and likely so in many parts of Europe. It’s only natural then, for people prepared to move overseas to think about where they will get the best value for money, where their assets may be taxed less and the impact of tax on their retirement plans. Resourceful savers will seek out the best overseas locations with attractive taxation regimes and likely move.

As people retire, some consider the option of retiring abroad. While in the past, as part of the EU, retiring to the warmer climates of Spain and Portugal was high on the list for British people, Brexit and other restrictions have made for an uncertain future resulting in more than a few people returning to the UK, potentially complicating their tax affairs. Still though, consider plans further afield, such as South East Asia or even Central America. A number of countries offer attractive expat or retirement opportunities for those who can afford the residency and immigration fees.

The key question though remains - what will be my UK tax liability and how do i figure this out?

Enter the Digital Nomad

Even before recent pandemic issues, a new breed of worker emerged - the digital nomad. Digital nomads vary greatly in demographic; some are young adventurous travellers seeking to combine work and the joy or travelling, or even just to be based in a different country for an extended period. Others maybe more mature in years, seeking to leverage overseas property or even rent for an extended period to afford a new work location, or perhaps to avoid the inclement weather in the UK.

A number of countries offer attractive digital nomad packages - often for up to 12 months. For these adventurous individuals, it’s natural to ask the question about tax or indeed if they are able to reduce their tax burden by making such changes to their location and lifestyle, and the specific benefits their own circumstances my lead to in regard to UK tax.

So how do you figure out what tax you owe to whom?

Let’s start by considering when you cease to become a UK Tax Resident.

Many people have heard of the “183 day rule”. Simply applied, this means that if you spend 183 days or more in the UK you become a tax resident and need to pay taxes here. If this is the case for you, then the trail stops here. But what does it mean if you spend less than 183 days in the UK - are you automatically treated as a non-tax resident? This is where mistakes are made and people get caught out. Being out of the UK for more than183 days does not automatically mean you are non-tax resident. To work this out we need to refer to the Statutory Residence Test, from which the 183 day rule emerges.

Introducing the Statutory Residence Test - SRT

Ultimately, whether you are tax resident or not will come down to how you fare when you take the “Statutory Residence Test” or SRT.

There are four main parts to the SRT:

  1. How much time you have spent in the UK in a tax year.
  2. Automatic Overseas Test.
  3. Automatic UK Tests.
  4. Sufficient Ties Test.

Part one: How much time you’ve spent in the UK during the tax year 

As we said earlier; if you spend 183 days or more in the UK then you’re a UK tax resident and the test stops here. However, the problem people experience is more evident if the 183 day rule is stated another way: If you’re in the UK for less than 183 days, then you’re not a tax resident. It comes down to how you count, why you’re actually in the UK and what you are up to.

On the face of it, the 183 day rule seems easy to comprehend. In practice though, how HMRC calculates the number of days is not so simple. Let’s start with what HMRC consider as a day? Generally, HMRC considers you as having spent a day in the UK if you were in the UK from Midnight onwards. But, as you’ve probably guessed, other factors apply. In fact, three other considerations need to be made:

  1. The ‘deeming rule.
  2. Transiting the UK - transit days.
  3. Exceptional circumstances.

The deeming rule

As one might reasonably expect, not everyone may spend a full day in the UK if they are not permanently based here. They may be here for meetings or to visit a relative. Perhaps not too surprisingly, HMRC needs to be sure that people are not trying to avoid tax by being based outside of the UK and coming in on a regular basis for part of a day - always a possibility if somebody is based in a close neighbouring EU country or other tax haven.

The deeming rule assesses the following conditions:

  1. Whether you have been a resident in the UK for 1 or more years in the past 3 tax years.
  2. Whether during the tax year under consideration, you had more than 3 ties to the UK. These include: A family tie, an accommodation tie, a work tie or a 90 day tie. See Ties Test.
  3. Whether you were present in the UK on more than 30 days without being present at the end of the day (qualifying day) in the tax year of interest.

More on the deeming rule can be found here.

What’s the impact of the deeming rule?

It basically means that if you meet all the deeming rule’s conditions, after the first 30 qualifying days, all subsequent days within the tax year are treated as days spent in the UK. HMRC gives examples as to how this applies, but in summary, it means that although it may appear that under the SRT you are a non-resident for tax purposes, because of your ties here and previous tax status in the UK, even though you spend less than 183 days here, you may still be treated as a tax resident.

This is quite a complicated consideration and so it is best that you consult with a Tax Agility expert on this issue.

Note: You should still check your tax liabilities with the country you have spent time with though, as their rules may be different and you may still owe tax there. Also check out whether they have a dual taxation agreement with the UK, as this means that any tax you have to pay overseas may be eligible for a tax credit in the UK, lessening your tax liability here.

Transit days

A transit day is a day where you travel to and from other countries via the UK. These are usually not considered full days under the SRT. However, care must be taken here as it may appear tempting to use a transit day as an opportunity to conduct business in the UK or see friends and family. HMRC is quite clear that any activity that is ‘to a substantial extent unrelated to your passage through the UK’, means the day concerned can be counted as a qualifying day. Simply meeting your boss for breakfast or going out on the evening of your arrival with friends, could turn a non-qualifying day into a qualifying day and count towards your allowance. If in doubt, talk to us.

Exceptional circumstances

Sometimes people are forced to return to this country, perhaps because of a death in the family or a sick parent. HMRC are not blind to this and you may be granted special conditions in regard to the total number of days you can spend in the UK.

This may be affected by the number of days you have already spent in the UK, how much work you have engaged in, the location and the type of work involved. Be sure to get clarification on this first though.

Part 2: The Automatic Overseas Test

There are three parts to this test.

First Test: You will be considered as non-resident if you spent fewer than 16 days in the UK during the tax year and were resident in the UK for one or more of the 3 tax years before the current tax year.

Second test: If you were not resident in the UK in any of the three prior tax years and spend less than 46 days in the UK in the tax year of interest, you will be considered as non-resident.

Third test: If you worked overseas full-time over the tax year concerned and:

  • spent less than 91 days in the UK in that tax year.
  • spent less than 31 days where you worked for more than 3 hours a day in the UK.
  • there was no significant break in your overseas work.

A significant break is considered where at least 31 days go by where you’ve worked for more than 3 hours overseas, or would have worked for more than three hours but didn’t because of annual leave, sick leave or parenting leave.

Part 3: The Automatic UK Test

There are three parts to this test.

First automatic UK test: If you’ve spent 183 days or more in the UK, you are a tax resident.

Second automatic UK test: If, for the tax year, you’ve had a home in the UK for all or part of that year and if all the following apply, you’ll be a tax resident:

  • one period of 91 consecutive days where you had a home in the UK.
  • at least 30 of these 91 days fall in the tax year when you have a home in the UK and you’ve been present in that home for at least 30 days at any time during the year.
  • at that time you had no overseas home, or if you had an overseas home, you were present in it for fewer than 30 days in the tax year.
  • if you have more than one home, each home should be considered separately for the test and meet the test for one of them.

Third automatic test: You’ll be a tax resident if all the following apply:

  • you work full-time in the UK for any period of 365 days, which falls in the tax year.
  • more than 75% of the total number of days in the 365 day period when you do more than 3 hours work are days when you do more than 3 hours work in the UK.
  • at least one day which has to be both in the 365 day period and the tax year is a day on which you do more than 3 hours work in the UK.

Sufficiency ties test

If you are still in doubt and do not appear to meet the automatic overseas test or the automatic Uk test, then you’ll have to look at your ties to the UK. This will help determine if your time in the UK along with the ties you have here, will make you a tax resident or not. The ties to consider are:

  • a family tie.
  • an accommodation tie.
  • a work tie.
  • a 90 day tie.

Also, if in the prior three years you were a UK resident, you’ll need to consider if you have a country tie too. Essentially, the more ties you have to the UK, the less time you can spend here without becoming a tax resident.You can find out more about this here.

Are you considered domiciled in the UK or non-domiciled?

Domicile is another question that often crops up. This typically applies to foreign nationals living and working in the UK. The answer can have a significant impact on your tax liabilities in the UK.

The exact nature of your domicile can change, but ordinarily it is the country of birth for your farther or mother. While you may be considered a UK resident for tax purposes, your domicile status can impact tax on overseas income and inheritance.  The exact impact on your tax affairs needs to be very carefully considered and planned out with a qualified tax advisor. If you have questions concerning tax and your domicile status, talk to our tax advisors.

In conclusion

Tax residency status has a habit of being misunderstood simply because of the belief in the 183 day rule. For sure, if you’ve been in the UK for longer than 183 days then unless you’re looking to qualify under non-domiciliary conditions, you’re almost certainly a tax resident. However, for most people concerned about their tax residency status, it’s more likely they are counting days under 183 and fall foul of the other conditions that HMRC will test your status against. These could potentially limit your time to 16 days in some cases, particularly if you’re based overseas and coming to the UK fairly often or still have many ties to the UK.

Our advice is, don’t assume. Talk to a qualified tax advisor before you travel and discuss your plans for the tax year.

Business growth concept

Managing your business finance for success

Every business exists to make money and grow, and one of the essential ways is through good financial management.

Getting your business finance in order through good budgeting, accurate cash flow analysis and effective use of management accounting all share a single objective, which is to improve your business efficiency.

When your business is efficient, it can convert all the available resources to maximise output with ease, thereby delivering better products and/or quality services, increasing sales, improving staff morale, enhancing customer experience, to name but a few. As a result, your business will be in a good financial position to meet its financial obligations and have strong cash surplus to put back into your business for growth.

In this article, our small business management consultants at Tax Agility discuss how we can assist small business owners in London, Richmond and Putney to better manage their business finances for success.

Understanding your business and objectives

A client once commented that he quit his 40-hour a week job to launch a business that required him to work 80-hour a week. Highly driven, he was managing most tasks by himself apart from business finances which he turned to our small business consultants. His reason was simple – the best way to unlock any business potential is to get assistance from experts who can provide honest advice based on financial statements.

Essentially, he was looking for a management consultant who can help him to create accurate budgets and forecasts, giving him data that he needed to make informed decisions. Today, his financial performance is strong, allowing him to have an office with a team of staff. Growth is stable and consistent, adding value to his company and achieving success.

The path to success often starts with a realisation that you may be too overwhelmed with day-to-day tasks and diversions to look at your business objectively. This is why engaging a small business consultant makes sense, though the key is to find one who can take time to understand your business and aspirations.

At Tax Agility, we often kick-start a no-obligation meeting by listening to you first. It is only through listening, understanding, and looking at your business through a clear lens that will allow us to create strategic plans that can meet your financial goals accordingly.

Improving business finance

Every business is unique and consequently, there isn’t a standard recipe which every small business owner should apply when it comes to improving one’s business finance. Areas that we may discuss with you include:

  • Ways to eliminate redundancies
  • Ways to reach your cost and revenue targets
  • Improving return on investment
  • Using historical financial data to do forecasts and budgets
  • How to analyse budgeted versus actual results
  • Reviewing of management accounting
  • Reviewing of credit control and cash flow
  • Analysis of key trends in your business
  • Analysis of risk management

Key benefits of improved business finance

Regardless your areas of focus, our small business consultants always strive to deliver three key benefits to your business and they are:

1. Financial control

Knowing how to make money doesn’t necessarily mean knowing how to best manage the money you earn. Managing money requires disciplines and conscious choices. Take cash flow for example, not many small business owners have time to monitor the amount of cash the business has in the bank or check which customers have paid you on time. Yet when you need to make a purchase, you may not think twice. In this instance, our small business consultants help to reign in control by providing cash flow forecasts that can guide your decisions.

2. Informed decisions will spur growth

A series of good decisions equate to success. If your decisions are data-centric, they will create a positive impact on your business finances quickly, which will further strengthen your financial position. Here is an example – many entrepreneurs believe that borrowing is good, but borrowing without knowing your ability to pay it back is far from good and will quickly ruin your business reputation. Borrowing to spur growth, for example, is only good if you have a repairmen plan in advance, as well as knowing where else you can cut expenses and save.

3. Set, measure, optimise

At Tax Agility, we believe in setting KPIs and measuring performances that help your business to achieve its goals. Financial numbers from every week, every month, every quarter, every year should be tracked and measured. It is worth bearing in mind that even the best plan may lead to occasional bumps along the way, which is why optimisation is essential. Having our small business management consultants on hand to guide you can make all the difference.

Optimising business processes

While not the specific domain of Tax Agility, it is an essential part of improving your business's financial standing and something we strive to help our clients understand. Business owners and operators should routinely review their operations to ensure they are working at peak efficiency. A key consideration is whether some processes may be better served if they were outsourced or handled in a different manner. Consider the following scenarios:

1. Company bookkeeping and accounts.

Many small firms start out doing their own bookkeeping and accounts as a way to save money, not surprisingly. However, many continue to do so even after they have grown substantially, employing several staff to handle the multiple aspects of a company's financial operations. While this may make sense to a large firm, it can be come an expensive proposition for an SME. With the advent of cloud based accounting and outsourced accounting, it can make more sense to off load these functions to an external accounting firm. These firms have optimised around offering dedicated accounting support to small businesses. Cloud accounting tools such as Xero, enable company management to keep a firm grasp on financial matters, as the tools give immediate access to the companies financial data 24 x 7.

2. Financial management

There's been a trend in recent times to not only outsource the accounting function, but also, to outsource the financial management and oversight of a company too. There comes a point in a company's growth when the firm should really consider the appointment of a financial director or a CFO. This can be a big step to take and, of course, such positions are not cheap to fill. This is a function that can make sense to outsource for some companies. Alternatively, they can appoint an interim CFO, one that doesn't work full-time and is not an actual employee. There are obvious cost efficiencies to doing this, also some risks to consider too.

3. Specialist staff.

It can obviously make sense to keep certain specialists you depend upon on your payroll full-time. After all, they may hold the keys to your success within the skills they bring and you'll ant to protect that. However, businesses in search of efficiency, will want to look closely at this. Many of the more advanced skills, particularly in the creative and manufacturing sectors could effectively be outsourced, so long as the right levels of security and IP protection are put in place. Also, diversification of your base source of the key skills you need will allow you to develop resilience to change, both in skills required and protecting the business against the whims of specific individuals. Being able to draw upon a greater source of skills could also increase your competitiveness.

4.Employee base.

Recent global turmoil has been forced businesses to reconsider the basis upon which the employ staff. In times before the pandemic of 2020, employers kept pretty much to a straight forward 37 hour 9 to 5 type of working arrangement, particularly where more office based staff are concerned. Post pandemic though, things are markedly different. Power has shifted and employees now demand greater freedom to work from home (or wherever they consider home to be). Such demands prior to the pandemic were often inconceivable to some employers. However, thought through wisely and putting long standing work practice prejudices aside, such flexibility could also work in favour of the employer. In a lot of instances, employers could see this as an opportunity to restructure how they employ people and they type of employment they need. for instance, not having people in the office regularly not only saves costs but also allows the potential to employe people on a freelance basis, offering greater cost saving opportunities through more optimised processes - i.e. only employing somebody when they are actually needed.

Tax Agility can help to improve your business finance

At Tax Agility, we understand that small business owners have limited resources. Our aim is to help you transform the limited resources available to you into success by focusing on your business finances.

We believe in growing together with our clients – when you grow, we grow too. This is why our dedicated small business management consultants work cohesively with you to help build your business and take it to the next level. We use financial numbers and data to recommend changes, mitigate risk and improve profitability.

Most important, we provide fast, quality management support to small business owners without any hidden charges. Give us a call on 020 8108 0090 today because your business deserves the best opportunity to succeed.

Payroll consideration

A growing business requires staff with skills that can help your business expand further and faster. Your staff can consist of short-term contractors or permanent employees. Contractors are often cheaper, more flexible, and they tend to be specialists in niche areas like database development and network security which you only require from time to time. On the other hand, permanent employees are focused and loyal to your business; they are the people you can rely on to grow your business.

Employing permanent staff requires PAYE, National Insurance, a pension scheme, as well as other benefits your company provides. These are time-consuming administrative work. Instead of hiring a full-time payroll employee, a cost-effective option for many small business owners is to outsource the payroll function. At Tax Agility, our payroll services for small business are here to assist payroll preparation and compliance for you.


VAT is a complex subject and when a business experiences strong growth, it tends to involve international suppliers and customers. Trading internationally, meaning importing goods from and exporting goods to other countries, often leads to more questions about VAT.

If expanding internationally is on the card, the general guidelines for VAT are:

  • If you are VAT-registered, the suppliers from an EU country do not charge you VAT for goods that they sell to you. However, you must account for the VAT yourself.
  • Suppliers from a non-EU country do not charge you VAT for goods that they sell to you, but you will pay import VAT before customs release the goods to you.
  • If you are selling goods to customers in EU countries and they are not VAT-registered, you will be charging them the UK VAT. But if your customers are VAT-registered, you can then zero-rate (ie not charging VAT) on the goods you sell to them.
  • If you are selling goods to customers outside of the EU, you do not normally charge VAT.

For solid VAT advice, sector-specific VAT issues, completion of VAT returns, and other VAT concerns, talk to one of our VAT service team for small business today by calling 020 8108 0090.


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This blog is a general summary. It should not replace professional advice tailored to your specific circumstance.

Accounting concept

How to find a good accountant in London

Vector image of money, receipt, calculator, pen and laptop screen

If you hadn’t noticed, the business landscape has fundamentally changed and the part your accountant plays in helping you cope is essential to this. Finding a London accountant that thinks about your business and how to improve it, as opposed to just crunching your numbers and filling VAT and tax  returns, should be a high priority for your business. After all, it’s another resource your obliged to pay for to meet regulatory demands, so why not get the best ‘bang-for-your-buck’ you can?

Recent time have seen significant changes in how businesses operate, driven by a pandemic and the need to adjust business models to suit new working practices and employee expectations. Also, supply chain uncertainties due to the pandemic have somewhat overshadowed the main protagonist that was expected to introduce business issues, i.e. Brexit. All in all, it’s been a pretty tough time for firms in the UK.

What should you be looking for in a good accountant?

Start by considering that it’s quite a competitive market in the finance and account space. It’s always been dominated by the larger accounting practices. However, these are not always suitable for small to medium sized businesses, as these benefit from a more personal touch.

Attitude is key. A truly great accountant is going to do two things when you begin to engage with them. The first is, they are going to initially access whether your business is a good fit for them and set out expectations on both sides. This is important, because some accountants may just take on your business, not really caring if they understand it or not. And that’s not good for you!

The second thing they will do, is to understand what is important to you. They will want to get to know your business - not a casual quick chat to try to reassure you, but arrange to sit down and dig a bit deeper.

By seeking to understand your business plan or even help you create a better one, is a sure sign that you’ve found a decent accounting firm. Central to this is being able to build a solid relationship with an accountant at the firm. However, like anything, the ‘proof of the pudding is in the eating’. Initial enthusiasm interest for your business should continue and not be a one off. You should arrange to have meetings on say a quarterly basis to help understand how your business is working and if there are efficiencies in your financial operations that can be made.

If you business is based in London or the greater London area, such as the outlying districts of Richmond, Putney, Wimbledon, Hammersmith, etc., you’ll likely benefit from finding a more personalised service from a local London accountant, like Tax Agility. They re also likely to be a bit cheaper that central London accountants, while still retaining a level of personalised service. Tax Agility are also well placed to assist businesses in Surrey too.

What services should a good accountant offer?

A well-rounded accountant offers services that can address the current and future needs of your business, which can include but not limited to:

  • Company secretary services
  • Corporate tax planning and advice
  • Accounting and bookkeeping
  • Payroll services
  • VAT
  • Cash flow forecast
  • Short and long-term strategies

Essentially, you are looking for someone to take over the administrative work (like bookkeeping and PAYE) as well as someone who can help review your numbers and make sound recommendations so that your business has the best chance to succeed.

Every business is unique too. Perhaps you have just launched a start-up which is in need of funding, a contractor who struggles with IR35, a small business owner whose business is experiencing consistent growth, or you may be looking for an exit strategy – this is why the accountants at Tax Agility are divided to teams that specialise in companies small businesses and individuals in Central and Greater London and also in Surrey. Having expert knowledge in your area means we can provide relevant accounting and tax advice that help you manage and grow your business.

How do I check a London accounting firm's qualifications?

While most people find their business accountant through word-of-mouth referrals, it is always worth checking if they are ICAEW (Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales) accountants.

Guided by strict codes of conduct, ICAEW accountants uphold the highest standards of professional conduct and business ethics. At Tax Agility, we are ICAEW chartered accountants and we follow these principles:

  • Integrity
  • Objectivity
  • Professional competence and due care
  • Confidentiality
  • Professional behaviour

This means that as our client, you will receive honest answers from our knowledgeable accountants who keep abreast with the latest developments in practice, legislation and techniques. We also act diligently and respect confidentiality. With us working alongside you, you know you are in good hands.

Top key traits of a good accountant

  • Attitude. It's amazing what a good set of interpersonal skills can do for a relationship and this starts with the attitude expressed towards you and your business.
  • Knowledge and skills – A good accountant should be able to assist you in areas that you need.
  • Listen to you – Only by understanding your situation first, then your accountant can come up with ideas that will make an impact to your business.
  • Excellent communication skills – Having the ability to interpret data and convey the information in a meaningful way to you.
  • Adaptable – Your needs evolve and how a good accountant assists you should evolve too.
  • Honesty – A good accountant should provide honest answers, as well as excellent work without any hidden charges.
  • Efficient – A good accountant will make sure that your financial records are managed efficiently, so you can concentrate in other aspects of your business.
  • Transparency of fees.

At Tax Agility, our fees are transparent – most of our clients pay a fixed monthly fee with no hidden charges. In the event that you have additional projects that need our attention, we will discuss the work and cost with you upfront.

What can Tax Agility do?

At Tax Agility, our accountants specialise in companies, small businesses and individuals across London and Surrey.

Our standard accounting services include but not limited to:

  • Annual compliance with Companies House
  • Maintenance of statutory books
  • Bookkeeping
  • Management accounts
  • Accounts payable and receivable
  • Cash flow
  • Sales reporting
  • Tax returns
  • Tax planning
  • VAT returns
  • PAYE registration
  • PAYE administration
  • Pensions

We have offices in three locations – Putney, Cavendish Square (Central London) and Richmond. We are also well placed to assist businesses in the county of Surrey.

For more information on our services, talk to us on 020 8108 0090 today or use our enquiry form to get in touch.

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This post is intended to provide information of general interest about current business/ accounting issues. It should not replace professional advice tailored to your specific circumstances.

This post was updated on Jan 11 2022

HMRC SA100 Extension 2022

Good news for those with self-assessment tax bills

HMRC has extended the ‘season to be jolly’, well, just a little. Announced today that it has extended the filling period, usually January 31st, and when late payment penalties will become due. Good news, but there's still a catch - interest will still be charged.

HMRC will not charge late ‘filing’ penalties if filings are made by February 28th 2022. The penalty is 5%  and is charged on any unpaid tax due.  Similarly, it won’t apply late ‘payment' penalties, provided payment for tax due is made by April 1st 2022, or a payment plan has been set up by that date.

HMRC SA100 Extension 2022This is consistent with the same waivers HMRC made last year and provides customers and tax representatives with some much needed breathing space, given the difficulties of the past year.

Payment plans are still available

Payment plans, known as ‘Time to pay’ options, are still available and allow self assessment bills up to £30,000 to be spread over 12 months.

However, it should be noted and this is the catch: The actual filing and payment deadlines have not changed. Even though you can choose to file and pay later, interest will still be applied based on the existing deadlines. This means that late payment ‘interest’ still applies during this period, i.e. from Jan 31st onwards. The current late payment interest rate is 2.75%.

HMRC have said:

  • A return received online in February will be treated as a return received late where there is a valid reasonable excuse for the lateness. This means that:
    • There will be an extended enquiry window
    • For returns filed after 28‌‌ ‌February the other late filing penalties (daily penalties from 3 months, 6 and 12 month penalties) will operate as usual
    • A 5% late payment penalty will be charged if tax remains outstanding, and a payment plan has not been set up, by midnight on 1‌‌ ‌April 2022. Further late payment penalties will be charged at the usual 6 and 12 month points (August 2022 and February 2023 respectively) on tax outstanding where a payment plan has not been set up.
  • We will not charge late filing penalties for SA700s and SA970s received in February – these returns can only be filed on paper
  • For SA800s and SA900s we will not charge a late filing penalty if customers file online by the end of February – the deadline for filing SA800s and SA900s on paper was 31‌‌ ‌October. Customers who file late on paper will be charged a late filing penalty in the normal way, they can appeal against this penalty if they have a reasonable excuse for filing their paper return late
  • Self-employed customers who need to claim certain contributory benefits soon after 31‌‌ ‌January 2022, need to ensure their annual Class 2 National Insurance contributions (NICs) are paid on time – this is to make sure their claims are unaffected. Class 2 NICs are included in the 2020 to 2021 balancing payment that is due to be paid by 31‌‌ ‌January 2022. Benefit entitlements may be affected if they:
    • Couldn’t pay their balancing payment by 31‌‌ ‌January 2022, and:
    • Have entered into a Time to Pay arrangement to pay off the balancing payment and other self assessment tax liabilities through instalments.

Still have questions?

We understand that HMRC statements and guidelines are not the easiest things to interpret, so if you still have questions and want us to assist you with your SA100 Tax return, call us today on 020 8108 0090 and talk with one of our specialists in either our London Richmond-Upon-Thames office or our London Putney Office.

2022 planing and strategy for small businesses in Richmond and Putney

Small business planning considerations for 2022

As the summer draws to a close, that is of course if you noticed summer or not, we enter a time of year where thoughts turn to next year’s business prospects. As an accounting firm, we’re mindful that businesses need to be looking hard at their bottom line and how they can operate as efficiently as possible.

2022 planing and strategy for small businesses in Richmond and PutneyEach year, we work with local businesses in the Richmond and Putney area, helping them plan for the following year, ensuring maximum tax efficiency and operational efficiency. Here are a few of our thoughts on what challenges business owners need to be looking at in 2022.

Covid business protection measures come to an end

There is a perfect storm of events nearing as September 30th approaches and earlier next year. On this date most of the governments business protection schemes come to an end.

Job retention scheme ends.

Known to most as the ‘furlough’ scheme, this ends after September. This means that business owners will once again bear the full brunt of employment costs. Think of this as a stress test for businesses that made heavy use of the scheme, as they will now need the cash flow to support employment costs.

Many businesses in the hospitality, health and leisure industries have relied heavily on the furlough scheme to survive. Although experiencing some return to normality since restrictions eased, business for many has not yet returned to pre-covid levels.

Ensuring outstanding receivables from customers are collected is going to be a significant factor underlying a businesses short-term viability. Also a challenge, will be working around potential new customer requirements and necessary adjustments to business models and practices brought about by the pandemic.

In a recent study by Santander, many small business owners surveyed said they did not believe they would see a return to any form of normality until mid-2022. That’s a long time to manage already damaged cash flow prospects. It’s perhaps not surprising that debt collection agencies and insolvency practitioners are readying for an increase in activity later this year and early next year.

Debt collection and insolvency

Business owners looking to recover debt owed to them during Covid, have been frustrated several times through government extensions to the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act. However, these are now due to end on September 30th 2021. Debt owed before March 2020, when restrictions were implemented, can still be pursued though.

Figures from the Insolvency Service, suggest that unpaid business debt will reach £8.6b in 2021. In 2019 more than 17,000 companies shuttered their doors, with much debt written off and companies facing even more write-offs later this year. With the impact of business restrictions in 2020, some suggestions by financial analysts are that debt could reach £24b. But these figures do not factor in the impact of the lifting of financial support and debt recovery restrictions at the end of September. It’s likely that many businesses will simply not have the strength to continue, having been artificially supported by government schemes.

With a clear focus on improving cash flow, companies will want to chase down as much business debt as possible. A dilemma exists though. Chasing down client debts is a double edge sword. If you’re lucky, important clients will want to clear debts if they can and establish normal relations again, even if this is through a payment plan. Other’s though, may not be in a position to do so, or may simply be holding out, hoping your business will write it off. This will force businesses to look closely at the real value of their client base and force them to choose, as pushing hard will likely end a business relationship.

Commercial eviction ban ends

Many badly affected businesses that have been unable to pay rent since March 2020, face the prospect of eviction proceedings from April 2022 onwards, as the current ban on evictions was extended to March 25th 2022. Unless they can start paying off the rental debt or come to arrangements with their landlords, many will face insolvency proceedings.

Covid Loan repayments

In July, the government reported that it had made £80b in loans to businesses, including both Business Bounce Back Loans and Coronavirus Business Interruption Loans. This equated to around 1.6m business borrowing money through the banks. As mentioned earlier, we already know that insolvency practitioners are readying for an extent raft of new insolvencies, but the Banks too are believed to have invested heavily in strengthening their debt recovery teams, as it seems they are expecting a raft of defaults on these loans.

The main concern here is the potential for a cascade effect with some businesses, as one business relies on another. Very quickly, an insolvency in one firm could have a dramatic effect on several others.

Covid continues

Even though government assistance is drawing to a close, Covid is not done yet. While the severity of cases is lessened by the vaccination program, cases of Covid will still impact businesses and their staff throughout 2022.

Just as the virus evolve and introduces new complications, so too must businesses evolve. As we look forward to 2022 in our planning, we must make allowances for further interruptions. This may equate to keeping much more cash on hand or ensuring business models adjust and adapt to accommodate changes in the work force.

As Plato said: "Necessity is the mother of invention". New technologies that have been adopted to lessen the impact of Covid on business, such as the growth or home working technologies, have changed the way businesses work. This impacts other businesses too. One example is shared office space, networking hubs, and business office landlords in general. These are all highly sensitive to the circumstances we have experienced. As such businesses will need to adapt, else they may die.

Furthermore, we have already seen several large brands adopt different attitudes to staff working practices. Some declaring that nobody need be in the office for the foreseeable future, to others looking for a return to something close to pre-covid office attendance. This is sure to create a negative dynamic in many companies, especially where business owners need to foster close interworking that may have been a kingpin in supporting its brand persona or teams, placing even more pressure on perhaps a fragile business.

Job vacancies

With a record one million job vacancies reported in September, one might think this was a sign of business growth. However, there are also around one million people on furlough, many are young people too. However, it is highly unlikely that the two will just balance out or indeed if employees will still have jobs to go back to after the furlough ends.

Many industries have found that they now have a skills shortage, a lot to do with Brexit, but also as businesses shift their business models to adapt to new realities, people also need to adapt. For some, this may be problematic.

The reality is then, that businesses will likely struggle for some time due to staff shortages, just as the transportation sector is suffering currently.

Higher taxation

Business support for the past 18 months ultimately needs to be paid for. The chancellor unveiled plans to increase taxes on dividends and National Insurance by 1.25%. It may not seem a lot, but for businesses already squeezed by cash flow problems and directors who have probably not been paying themselves too well over the past year, this represents a further hit on cash flow and a reduction in income.

Planning for 2022

It’s clear that business owners, large or small, have much to consider and plan for in 2022. There are many unknowns, which of course makes planning very difficult. Ensuring your business is making best use of the financial resources available, tax efficient and is in good shape to take on the challenges of 2022 is where Tax Agility can help.

The team at Tax Agility in Richmond and Putney has many years of experience working with companies to help them structure and streamline their business to adapt to changes and to be resilient in coping with future challenges too. Our business consultancy service could be just what you need to close out the year and cement your plans for 2022, so contact us and discuss how we can help.

Reporting Employee Benefits-In-Kind

Employee benefits in kind, the P11D and what employers must report.

Attracting and retaining valued employees is not at all easy these days. One way employers like to try and ‘sweeten’ their employment packages is through benefits such as, private healthcare schemes, company vehicles to the humble mobile phone, but these have tax consequences too.

Why have benefits-in-kind (BIK) become such an issue?

You might wonder why in a time where employees find it increasing difficult to retain valued staff, why the Government is slowly making it unattractive to provide these benefits? The simple reason is that some companies have chosen to use this route to reduce their own tax bills by offering more benefits while providing lower salaries. Lower salaries mean less National Insurance and Pension costs. For instance on an employee earning £30K per year, the company pays 13.8% or in this case around £2,800 and then another £716 in pension payments per year. With a lot of employees, this soon mounts up.Reporting Employee Benefits-In-Kind

It works the other way too. In years past, an employee may have been able to opt for benefits ion return for a reduced salary - called "optional remuneration arrangements”. By doing this, the employee would pay less tax and national insurance.

Company cars have received harsh treatment in recent years, with the tax rate currently at 37%. The only exception, one that is becoming increasingly interesting for employees, is having a fully electric vehicle. Current tax legislation applies a zero tax rate to this type of vehicle.

So, to make benefits-in-kind a less attractive way to reduce a company’s tax burden, the government has continued to tax them.

What employers need to know about benefits-in kind and the P11D.

As an employer you’ll need to understand what constitutes a benefit-in-kind, what to report, how to report it and what the deadlines for reporting are. So here’s a recap.

What is a benefit-in-kind (BiK)?

In short, a benefit-in-kind is any benefit (perk) that an employee or director receives which is not included in their salary or wages. If you’re not sure, talk to us.

What are considered benefits?

The list of actual ‘perks’ HMRC considers as benefits is quite extensive, covering around 60 categories. You can see the full benefits list here.

For most people it comprises typical things such as private medical insurance, a company car, child care, expense allowances, clothing, mobile phones, home use, fuel for personal cars, etc. 

Mistakes are often made and employers / employees which can land them in trouble, such as when a director has overdrawn the director’s loan account by over £10,000. As this is deemed a loan, interest is due. Also, it’s very easy to forget about work related calls made from personal devices, such as a home phone or mobile and where this has been claimed back by the employee.

If you are not sure about any potential benefit you are giving or receiving, check with a knowledgable accountant like Tax Agility first.

How to Report Employee Expenses and Benefits

Employee expenses and benefits need to be submitted at the end of each tax year using form P9D or P11D, depending on the expense or benefit in question. The Government has provided a detailed list of common expenses and benefits online, clicking through to each of which will tell you which form you need, and how you should calculate what you owe.

You’ll need to submit a separate form for each employee; so if, for example, two full-time employees are provided with a mobile phone each for work, you’ll need to complete a separate P11D for each employee. If you submit a P11D you’ll also be required to submit a P11D(b), reporting what Class 1A National Insurance is due on your expenses and benefits payments. You can complete an online declaration if you didn’t submit a P11D, to ensure HMRC won’t contact you about it.

All forms should be filed through either HMRC’s PAYE Online service, your own payroll software, or by downloading the form online and posting it to the address you send your paper tax return to.

If you under-report on your employee expenses and benefits and, therefore, pay less tax than is required of you, you’ll likely be charged a penalty by HMRC if they believe your under-reporting to have been deliberate or due to carelessness. You may be asked to show evidence of how you accounted for each expense or benefit; records must be kept for three years.

PAYE Settlement Agreements

What are PAYE Settlement Agreements? It’s common for some employees to have to claim for small and infrequent expenses or benefits - perhaps a bond or reward for service or performance in a year, or a business trip claimed by the employee. These can be a pain to have to report separately. So, if you only pay small, irregular, and impracticable expenses or benefits to your employees you can simplify your tax and National Insurance Contributions by applying to receive a PSA so you only have to make one annual payment to cover all and any payments owed. Checkout our other article on PAYE Settlement Agreements (PAYE Settlement Agreement)

Are there any exemptions to benefits-in-kind?

The recent pandemic may have people asking this question, especially if they are using company cars. If your vehicle was not used for 30 days or more, you may be able to apply for an exemption. However, as with many things related to HMRC, you may need to be prepared to prove this.

As an employer, you generally don’t have to report typical expenses such as the following, provided that you are either paying a flat rate to your employee as part of their earnings - this must be either a benchmark rate or a special (‘bespoke’) rate approved by HMRC, or paying back the employee’s actual costs.

  • business travel
  • phone bills
  • business entertainment expenses
  • uniform and tools for work

Calculating Employee Earnings

Each employee expense or benefit will need to be calculated at a rate. The Government recommends you do this by adding the value of all expenses and benefits an employee has received over a given tax year to that of their annual salary (if they haven’t worked a full year with you, calculate the full-year equivalent of their salary and all expenses and benefits received).

When to report to HMRC using your P11D?

The deadline for submitting your P11D and P11D(b) is the 6th July after the end of the tax year.  For the 2020/2021 tax year, for instance, the deadline is 6th July 2021.  You must ensure that copies of the individual P11d forms are given to each of your employees by this deadline.

Class 1A National Insurance payments must be submitted by is July 19th or the July22nd if you are paying online.

Experienced P11D Tax Accountants

To speak with a professional to discuss whether you need to start paying tax on your employee’s expenses and benefits, contact us today on 020 8780 2349 or get in touch with us via our contact page to arrange a complimentary, no-obligation consultation.

How to get a PAYE Settlement Agreement (PSA)

Calculator_TaxAgility Accountants LondonIf you’re a small to medium-sized (SME) business owner with a number of employees, you may wish to consider applying for a PAYE Settlement Agreement (PSA) to simplify your tax and National Insurance Contributions (NICs) paid on small, irregular, and impracticable expenses or benefits paid out to your employees.Read more